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How Do I Soften Corned Beef

When corned beef is roasted, fried, or slowly boiled on a low fire for an extended period, it can become rigid and difficult to chew. It is possible to repair tough corned beef, which prevents it from being thrown away.

Set the stove to moderate heat, or approximately 325 degrees Fahrenheit, and cover the pan with a tight-fitting lid. For the tough, stringy meat to separate from the rest, the corned beef must be cooked above 250 degrees Fahrenheit. The taste and texture of the dish are revived by simmering it in this way. Set aside for about thirty minutes while the corned meat cooks.

Fortunately, I've described ways to restore tenderness to assist you. Also included is an explanation of how the problem occurs. In addition, you will find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions, which can aid in your knowledge of the subject matter.


  • How to check whether the corned beef is tough
    • 1. Using the fork method
    • 2. Using the thermometer method
    • 3. Fixing tough corned beef after cooking
    • 4. Simmer the tough corned beef a little longer
    • 5. Cook the tough corned beef in an oven at low heat
    • Tips on making a tender corned beef
    • Frequently Asked Questions:
  • Conclusion

How to check whether the corned beef is tough

1. Using the fork method

how to fix tough corned beef

If the meat is soft, the fork should readily go in and out of the meat without resistance. You can use the fork to separate the meat fibers from one another. So if the fibers are easily separated, it indicates that the meat is succulent.

On the other hand, if you do not get the same results, you have not cooked the corned beef adequately. Because when corned meat becomes extremely tough, the fibers become extremely tough as well. As a result, it becomes difficult to separate the meat from the bone.

2. Using the thermometer method

Cooked meat should be checked for texture with a meat thermometer. The process of inserting the thermometer should be simple if the meat is soft. Furthermore, the interior temperature will range between 145 and 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

With a thermometer, on the other hand, you can't even get a hole in tough corned beef to bleed out. That means that your internal temperature will most likely not be at its optimal level.

3. Fixing tough corned beef after cooking

A few minutes of additional cooking time will transform tough cooked meat into a tender meat that will fall apart when cut. To tenderize the beef, you can use onions or canned pineapple to help it along. In addition, if you allow the piece to rest for ten to fifteen minutes, it may automatically become delicate and edible.

If you didn't already know, once the meat has been removed from the oven or stovetop, it retains its heat for a while. As a result of the heat, it can be challenging to get it out.

However, the heat will ultimately subside if you allow it to rest. And the flesh becomes softer as a result. However, if it doesn't work, you can try one of the following two approaches to restore tenderness:

4. Simmer the tough corned beef a little longer

Simmer the tough corned beef a little longer

Simmering is the quickest and most convenient method of the two. You can simmer your corned beef to perfection using a pressure cooker or a slow cooker. It's even possible to cook on the stovetop with a stockpot. Following these procedures will suffice if you wish to use a pressure cooker:

i. Prepare some onions and carrots and place them in a pressure cooker with a little water. Then, directly on top of the vegetables, arrange your corned beef.

ii. Pour in the liquid, making sure it's enough to cover the meat, and set aside completely.

iii. Turn the pressure cooker up to 2 bars of pressure. After that, simmer the beef for 25 to 30 minutes more.

iv. Last but not least, make sure your corned beef is cooked to the proper internal temperature. If the inside temperature meets the ideal temperature, you're finished with the process. If it's still a touch underdone, reduce the heat a little further.

If you're using a slow cooker, the instructions are nearly identical. There are only two distinctions: the difference in time and the temperature difference. After the time has elapsed, all that is left to do is check the temperature of your meat. I'm hoping that the meat will be tender after a few hours of simmering in the slow cooker.

Finally, simmering the beef in a stockpot may be the most straightforward method. You'll have to complete four stages in this case-

i. Place the tough corned beef, onions, and cabbages in a large stockpot and bring to a boil.

ii. Fill the pot halfway with water until the corned beef is thoroughly covered.

iii. Set the stove to medium heat and cover the pot with a lid.

iv. Finally, let the corned beef simmer for thirty minutes before serving.

During this period, the tough flesh will become gradually tender.

5. Cook the tough corned beef in an oven at low heat

Cook the tough corned beef in an oven at low heat

You might now be adamant about using an oven. With that thought in mind, I've discussed how to repair tough corned beef by baking it in a preheated oven. Now, to assist you, I've compiled a straightforward rule of thumb. Follow these straightforward steps:

i. To begin, take a temperature reading of the meat's interior temperature.

ii. After that, preheat the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

iii. The meat has been boiled. As a result, adding a half cup of liquid to each pound should be sufficient.

iv. Last but not least, the cooking time per pound should be 45-60 minutes.

Tips on making a tender corned beef

Tips on making a tender corned beef

1) If you are cooking the corned beef on a stove, you should allow for about an hour for every pound of meat.

2) If you choose between simmering and boiling, it is preferable to simmer the meat. Just take your time. After that, let the beef simmer until it reaches the desired internal temperature.

3) You can use wine, fresh water, and other liquids as a base for your dessert. Make sure, however, that the meat is completely submerged in the liquid.

4) Regularly checking the meat while cooking is essential to ensure that the meat is cooked correctly. As a result, keep your thermometer within easy reach.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can corned beef and cabbage be used together?

Yes, it is possible. The addition of vegetables will give the meat a more delectable flavor. As a result, don't be afraid to include cabbage.


I usually encourage other cooks interested in improving their skills never to give up hope when things go wrong. There is a way out in practically every situation, especially if it has something to do with meat. If you are unsure about a source, conduct additional research and seek out other sources to confirm the information you have gathered.

 If you still have trouble getting the beef to cook as you had hoped, try following the preventive procedures the next time to avoid hardening the corned beef in the first place.
